Nestled in the heart of charming Medina, Ohio, lies a picturesque gem that served as the perfect backdrop for Margaret’s senior session – the historic Medina Square. With its quaint shops, timeless architecture, and inviting atmosphere, the Square provided a stunning canvas to capture Margaret’s grace, elegance, and cultural heritage.
Margaret’s senior session began with a burst of color and tradition as she adorned herself in a vibrant Sari, reflecting her cultural heritage. Against the backdrop of the Square’s rustic buildings, Margaret’s attire added such beauty, drawing attention with its intricate patterns and striking hues.
As she moved gracefully through the Medina Square, Margaret’s senior portraits radiated with elegance and poise, each frame capturing the essence of her cultural pride and individuality.
After paying homage to her cultural roots, Margaret transitioned into a more casual dress, embracing the relaxed charm of the Medina Square. Margaret’s second look exuded a sense of youthful charm and sophistication.
Lovely Margaret! You are an amazing photographer, Samantha!